Master's Industry Case Analysis

MAN 750
Long Island University
Brookville, New York, United States
  • February 14, 2017
    Experience start
  • May 5, 2017
    Experience end
  • 28 learners; teams of 4
  • 40 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Learners self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 6 projects wanted
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
  • Any company type
  • Any industries
strategic consulting human resource management human resource managment
Project timeline
  • February 14, 2017
    Experience start
  • May 5, 2017
    Experience end
Learner goals and capabilities

A group of Master's level student-consultants will spend the term analyzing a Human Resources issue of your choosing. Students will research and review your current systems and recommend changes, providing new strategies and processes to improve your operations.

Expected outcomes and deliverables

The students will contribute +40 hours of work to your organization, which will culminate in a 20-minute presentation, with an accompanying 3 to 5-page analysis, which outlines strategic recommendations and an actionable implementation plan.

Project Examples

A group of Master's level student-consultants will spend the term analyzing a Human Resources issue of your choosing. Students will research and review your current systems and recommend changes, providing new strategies and processes to improve your operations. Project examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Evaluating your recruitment process to suggest new approaches and improve selection criteria
  • Reviewing your onboarding process to identify areas to reduce cost
  • Reviewing and improving training & development programs
  • Recommending new compensation strategies
Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Must be an organization with 50+ employees

Be available for a 2-hour interview (virtual, phone, or in person) in order to make sure the students fully understand your company, industry and HRM issue

Provide necessary data for students to solve the problem/opportunity (NDAs can be signed)

Be responsive to periodic emails to answer any questions or concerns that the student(s) may have as they progress

Attend the final presentation (virtually if not local) or host the students to present to management.