Cross-College Entrepreneurial Challenge

Cross-College Entrepreneurial Challenge
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Victoria MacLean
Account Development Executive
  • April 22, 2022
    Experience start
  • April 23, 2022
    Project Scope Meeting
  • April 24, 2022
    Meet with Team
  • April 25, 2022
    Meet with Team
  • April 26, 2022
    Meet with Team
  • April 27, 2022
    Last day before submissions are due
  • May 1, 2022
    Experience end
  • Undergraduate; 4th year
  • 72 learners; teams of 4
  • 30 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Learners self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 10/12 project matches
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Academic experience
  • Any
  • Any industries
Digital marketing UX design Market research Project management
Project timeline
  • April 22, 2022
    Experience start
  • April 23, 2022
    Project Scope Meeting
  • April 24, 2022
    Meet with Team
  • April 25, 2022
    Meet with Team
  • April 26, 2022
    Meet with Team
  • April 27, 2022
    Last day before submissions are due
  • May 1, 2022
    Experience end
Learner goals and capabilities

Welcome to the inaugural Riipen Cross-College Entrepreneurial Challenge!

The CCEC brings together Mentors, Faculty and Students to help real-world Entrepreneurs solve current challenges.

This year's competition will have two portions: a video submission and Q&A. The video submission will be a 5 minute recommendation of the challenge presented, submitted by 11:59 pm on April 27. On April 28th, each team will join a live Q&A session with the company leads for final chance to give your recommendations/solutions.

Prizes will be awarded to selected teams & individuals based on outstanding teams, creativity, top presenters and much more!

Expected outcomes and deliverables

On Wednesday, teams will submit videos of their recommendations to a panel of Riipen judges. Thursday, April 28th students will have the opportunity for Q&A session with the two companies and a winner will be announced on Friday, April 29th in a live virtual session with MC and Keynote Speaker.

Final Submission: The final project submission must be submitted by Wednesday, April 27 at 11:59 p.m. (EST). Ignore the 'Project End' milestone.

Project Examples

Entrepreneurial Challenge