Recommend a "Trust and Collaboration Framework" for a Climate Change Application

Deploy Solutions
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Nicholas Kellett
Founder & CEO, Deploy Solutions
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Market research Leadership Humanities Law and policy Social sciences
android mobile design mobile development mobile apps
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

The Goal:

We are designing a climate change impact planning software that helps Canadian citizens take personal action to avoid, mitigate, and recover from climate change impacts. Examples of recommended actions include steps to recover from home flooding damage, or how to prepare the family for an evacuation during a forest fire.

These actions need to be provided and managed by "trusted authorities" (which will include faith groups, NGOs, scientists, academics, as well as government officials). The definition of "trusted authority" is obviously political and contentious (our working definition is included below).

Please research and recommend a "trust and collaboration framework" - a set of processes that we can use to identify and verify the "trusted authorities" and the recommended actions they provide. When its comes to producing climate change actions expect trusted authorities from different organizations will have to work together in a particular region; therefore we also need a framework for them to collaborate (for example request and receive feedback on recommended tasks, and gain some kind of approval before those are published to the citizens).

The Climate Change Product

We are in the design and planning phase of a new climate change impact planning software product (related to "UN Sustainable Development Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts"). The product will recommend a set of actions that ordinary citizens can take to avoid, mitigate, adapt, or rebuild from climate change disasters. We have created prototype mobile and desktop applications and performed a great deal of technical and business research and proof of concepts and work continues on the feature set.

Trusted Authority Definition

(Working Definition - your work will probably influence this)

Trusted authorities are:

  • individuals or organizations; and
  • Have exceptional, targeted knowledge and expertise of global warming and climate change issues, impacts, resilience and policy measures; and
  • Can be reasonably expected to provide unbiased, apolitical advice; and
  • Accept the currently-available scientific understanding of global warming and climate change, as described in the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports.

Examples may include local councillors and city staff, urban planners, environmental and sustainability champions, and government officials at the provincial and federal levels, provided they meet the requirements listed above. It is possible for a "trusted authority" to become "untrusted" over time, or vice versa.

Your Contribution

We think this is a unique project that will require you to really exercise your skills and creativity to come up with a framework. You will be required to perform primary and secondary research and policy analysis of existing collaboration and trust processes and frameworks. Then make a recommendation on what kind of model we should implement in our software.

We can't wait to see what you come up with!

The content you produce will be released under the Creative Commons Attribution licence ( content licence) which enables others to use it for any purpose, with attribution to you.

About the company
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Government, It & computing, Business & management, Environment, Airlines, aviation & aerospace

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