Multidisciplinary Publications

Antarctic Institute of Canada
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
AIC Administration
Office administrator
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience or paid work
Graphic design Copy writing Media Education
administrative functions research writing editing mentorship
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

This project will begin in September following a kick-off meeting, and orientation for all student hires. The end date for the project and deliverable submission deadline is October 31st at 11:59 PM MST.

The Antarctic Institute of Canada (AIC) is a non-profit organization that conducts research activities, academic mentorship programs, and equity building through various government-funded work initiatives for undergraduate and graduate students.

The AIC is seeking 10 (ten) post-secondary students currently enrolled in a post-secondary program to author, design, and narrate/engineer a variety of texts and resources for publication. Topics and guidelines will be passed down from the AIC chair during our kick-off meeting.

Applicants must be comfortable writing, designing, and narrating/engineering according to various conventions and formats and within diverse topic areas and software programs.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Research, writing, and editing of text resources; design and publication of text resources, with the possibility of illustrations; audiobook narration and engineering; administrative tasks (i.e. resource uploading and distribution, etc.).

About the company

The Antarctic Institute of Canada is a non-profit Canadian charity organization founded by former Antarctic researcher Austin Mardon in 1985. Its original aim was to lobby for the federal government of Canada to increase the extent of Canadian research in the Antarctic. However, AIC slowly diversified and initiated programs for students to publish Antarctic research in newspapers and academic journals. These days, the AIC supports academic writing, research, and multimedia in many fields, expanding far beyond the organization’s original focus on Antarctica.