Sourcing Candidates

XP3 Talent
Bumpass, Virginia, United States
Talent Acquisition Manager
Academic experience or paid work
40 hours per learner
United States
Intermediate level

Project scope

Talent recruitment
coaching talent sourcing data mining talent acquisition

The XP3 Talent System is a turnkey solution which uses a unique combination of web-based tools, training, coaching, and talent acquisition to help you build an employee-centric, profitable company.

This project will focus on data mining/sourcing candidates that will enable our Recruiting Team to shorten the time it takes to identify qualified candidates.

  • Participate in a meeting at the start of each search/project with the Recruiting Manager to understand that roles requirements and search criteria.
  • Participate in several training sessions to learn how to navigate, and utilize the various databases as well as, how to submit candidates on each platform that you will use to search for candidates.
  • Conduct searches utilizing the following databases: ZoomInfo, Indeed, and LinkedIn to conduct advanced searches based on the specific requirements of the role we are seeking to fill.
  • Complete a report at the end of each workday that details the candidates you sourced, which database you found them on, and a link to their profile/resume.

Students will connect directly with us for mentorship throughout the project. We will be able to provide:

  • Training on how to utilize ZoomInfo, Indeed, and LinkedIn to search for candidates
  • Training on how to utilize Google Sheets
  • Experience participating in Team/Collaboration meetings
  • Input on choices, problems, or anything else the students might encounter.
Supported causes
Decent work and economic growth

About the company

Bumpass, Virginia, United States
2 - 10 employees
Construction, engineering & trades

The XP3 Talent System is a turnkey solution which uses a unique combination of web-based tools, training, coaching, and talent acquisition to help you build an employee-centric, profitable company.