Training Assistant

Canada Tax Reviews
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dawn V Dam
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Employee benefits Training & development Workplace culture Leadership Change management
training and development research
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

We want to be known as an organization that values the development of our people. To assist us in this goal, we would like to collaborate with students to assist with the current trainings we offer our employees. We have an idea of areas where training could be implemented, but we would also appreciate insight on recommended training and development areas.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?
  • Coordinate internal resources for the flawless execution of training sessions
  • Take notes during each training session and send follow up emails to everyone that attended
  • Conduct research on training topics that can benefit employees
  • Send out feedback forms to evaluate the training
About the company

At Canada Tax Reviews, our tax recovery specialists are standing by and waiting to talk to you about your taxes. Our team is specially trained and uses some of the best software to uncover ALL of the taxes, grants, benefits, errors, and unclaimed credits that are available to you.