Gokaddal Inc
Gokaddal Inc
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

GOTI (Gokaddal Threat Intelligence)

In today's digital age, consumers are increasingly vulnerable to a myriad of cybersecurity threats such as phishing attacks, malware, and data breaches. Gokaddal Inc aims to empower consumers by providing them with a user-friendly application that offers real-time threat intelligence. The goal of this project is to develop a Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Dashboard that aggregates data from various sources, analyzes potential threats, and presents actionable insights to users. This application will help consumers stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and take proactive measures to protect their digital assets. The project will involve tasks such as data collection, threat analysis, and user interface design, allowing learners to apply their classroom knowledge in cybersecurity, data science, and software development.Key objectives include:- Aggregating threat data from multiple reliable sources.- Analyzing and categorizing threats based on severity and type.- Designing an intuitive user interface for easy navigation and understanding.- Providing actionable recommendations for users to mitigate identified threats.

Admin Ravinder Singh
Matches 0
Category Data analysis + 3

MANPRA - Mobile Automated NextGen Personal Robotic Assistant

The goal of this project is to build consumer focused Robotic Assistant which should be Mobile, Intelligent and Communicative. Using the power of AI, NLP and Voice Enablement, the assistant should be able to taek decisions using AI and ML models

Admin Ravinder Singh
Matches 0
Category Artificial intelligence + 4

Gokaddal Inc. Digital Enablement Platform

The main goal of this project is to build an online platform for small and medium businesses to digitally enable their operations. This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:- Researching and understanding the needs of small and medium businesses.- Designing a user interface for the platform.- Developing a software solution to meet the needs of the businesses.- Testing the developed software and making improvements based on additional data.- Optimizing software runtime performance and assessing areas for improvement.

Admin Ravinder Singh
Matches 2
Category Competitive analysis + 3

Gokaddal Inc. Global Website Project

The goal of this project is to build a global website for Gokaddal Inc. with a refined user interface and user experience using the latest technologies such as AI, Analytics and Augmentative. This website should be able to revolutionize the way Digital transformation is executed with client experience enhancement and success.

Admin Ravinder Singh
Matches 2
Category Artificial intelligence + 4