Zayn Polaris
Website development Security (cybersecurity and IT security) Machine learning Networking

Recent projects

Zephr Premises
Zephr Premises
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Our company advertises thousands of products online. We want to create a blog to strengthen our marketing.We would like to collaborate with students to create blog posts that drive more traffic to our website.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our goals, target market, products and services.Recommending topics for our blog posts.Drafting blog posts relevant to our business.Revising blog posts based on feedback.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Recommending ways to market our blog.

Matches 2
Category Media + 1
Zephr Premises
Zephr Premises
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Blogging Phase 2

Our company advertises thousands of products online. We want to create a blog to strengthen our marketing.We would like to collaborate with students to create blog posts that drive more traffic to our website.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our goals, target market, products and services.Recommending topics for our blog posts.Drafting blog posts relevant to our business.Revising blog posts based on feedback.Bonus steps in the process would also include:Recommending ways to market our blog.

Matches 2
Category Media + 1
Zephr Premises
Zephr Premises
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mobile App Development R Phase 1

Our company advertises thousands of products online. We use an app to connect with our customers.We would like to collaborate with students to implement some app updates. These updates will help us provide new features and fix bugs.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:Familiarizing themselves with our platform, products and services.Identifying updates that should be added to our app.Implementing and documenting changes.Recommending areas for future app improvement.We are attempting to create and deploy a full stack e-commerce app with an admin dashboard and CMS

Matches 2
Category Mobile app development + 1
Zephr Premises
Zephr Premises
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Website UI / UX Design & Prototype R Phase 1

Our company would like to explore re-designing our current website with a prototype. We are always on the lookout for innovative and fresh UI and UX ideas that will help our users.This will involve: Conducting background research on our existing web application for the product. We are happy to provide a walkthrough and other resources to help bring them up to speed.Identifying key areas of our current website and what areas of focused might return the best results in a redesign.Learning and using various software design tools. We strongly recommend students learn how to use Figma as this is the latest and greatest tool currently available.Creation of a screen by screen UX / UI prototype of a web application which can be used on all major browsers and be mobile friendlyConducting UX / UI testing with real potential users potentially involving paper prototypes or other software tools to support thisDesigning and constructing a Full Stack E-commerve App with an Admin Dashboard and CMS Tool

Matches 1
Category Branding & style guides + 2