Christopher Frazer
Christopher Frazer
Now Organic Farms
Now Organic Farms
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Social Media Strategy for Now Organic Farms

Now Organic Farms is a company dedicated to providing high-quality organic produce to consumers. The company aims to enhance its online presence and engage more effectively with its target audience through social media platforms. The problem is that the current social media strategy is not yielding the desired engagement and reach. The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive social media strategy that aligns with the company's brand values and objectives. This will involve analyzing current social media metrics, identifying target demographics, and creating a content calendar that includes posts, stories, and engagement tactics. The project will also require the team to propose methods for measuring the effectiveness of the new strategy.

Matches 1
Category Social media marketing + 2
Now Organic Farms
Now Organic Farms
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Illustration and Design for Now Organic Farms

The main goal for the project is to create illustrations for art/design projects for Now Organic Farms. The company is committed to providing local nutrient-rich foods and aims to educate and inspire people to grow and eat nutrient-dense foods, reduce waste, and contribute to building a sustainable environment. The illustrations will be used for both print and media to support these goals.This will involve several different steps for the illustrator/designer, including:- Understanding the mission and goals of Now Organic Farms.- Creating illustrations for print materials such as brochures, posters, and packaging.- Developing digital illustrations for social media, website, and other online platforms.- Collaborating with the Now Organic Farms team to ensure the illustrations align with their messaging and branding.

Matches 2
Category Graphic design + 3
Now Organic Farms
Now Organic Farms
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Organic Farms Social Media Strategy

Now Organic Farms is looking to enhance its social media presence to better engage with its customer base and attract new followers. The goal of this project is to create a comprehensive social media strategy that leverages various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The strategy should include content creation, scheduling, and engagement tactics that align with the company's brand values and mission of promoting organic farming. The project will involve researching current social media trends, analyzing competitors, and identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. The team will also develop a content calendar and propose methods for increasing follower interaction and brand loyalty.Key tasks include:- Researching social media trends and competitor strategies- Developing a content calendar- Creating sample posts and engagement tactics- Identifying KPIs for measuring success

Matches 1
Category Social media marketing + 4
Now Organic Farms
Now Organic Farms
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Blog Posts on Healthy Foods and Holistic Health

The main goal for the project is to create blog posts that educate and inspire people to grow and eat nutrient-dense foods, reduce waste, and contribute to building a sustainable environment. The blog posts will focus on healthy foods, holistic health, and a whole foods diet, aligning with the mission of Now Organic Farms.This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:- Researching and understanding the principles of holistic health and a whole foods diet.- Creating engaging and informative blog posts on topics related to healthy foods and holistic health.- Incorporating information about nutrient-rich foods and sustainable farming practices into the blog posts.- Ensuring that the blog posts align with the values and mission of Now Organic Farms.

Matches 2
Category Communications + 4
Now Organic Farms
Now Organic Farms
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Website Enhancement and Development Phase 2

The main goal for this project is to enhance and develop the Now Organic Farms website for phase our 2. This will involve improving the user interface, adding new features, and optimizing the website for better performance and user experience.For this Stage Students will be updating the User interface while implementing more efficient payment structures, blog postings and allowing for features such as videos and chat boxes directly on the website. Students will have the ability to work alongside other designers and developers to finalize these deliverables and goals for this project. Students will also be required to provide source codes as well as documentation of how to implement and use these codes for future development.

Matches 2
Category Software development + 1
Now Organic Farms
Now Organic Farms
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Prototype Composter Development

The main goal for the project is to develop the designed prototype of the composter for Now Organic Farms. The company is committed to providing local nutrient-rich foods and reducing waste, and the prototype composter will contribute to building a sustainable environment by efficiently composting organic waste.This will involve several different steps for the students, including:- Reviewing the design specifications and requirements for the prototype composter.- Developing the mechanical components and systems for the composter.- Testing the prototype to ensure it meets the performance and efficiency standards.- Making any necessary improvements or modifications based on the test results.- Documenting the development process and providing a final report on the prototype composter.

Matches 2
Category Electrical engineering + 4