Marc Mitalski
Marc Mitalski
Zionsville, Indiana, United States
Market research Information technology Media Education

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EQuALS - B2C Product Launch

As a B2C company, we have a primary focus of creating relevant products for our consumer. With this in mind, we have created a new product to add to the existing line that customers know and love. When we created our original product offering, we had a consumer in mind and marketed accordingly. We believe our market might be changing and we need help proving this. This knowledge will aid in a new approach to marketing, especially for our new product. Our specific need is determine what competitors are also playing in this landscape and what our target market’s perception is of these competing brands/products. This information will help us determine what key messaging will resonate with our target buyer. Successful outcomes include a market research report, informed by primary data collection. We would like to understand our customer base through surveys and conversations with our present and future consumer to gather insights into buying behaviours, expectations, and experiences with us and our competitors.This data should inform a final report that outlines key messaging that our consumers have come to know, want and expect based on the current landscape.

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Category Marketing - general + 3

EQuALS™ - Mobile Application Development

Exam Question + Answer Learning System - EQuALS™- a robust, fresh, professional way to deliver content! EQuALS™ allows content to be setup in a presentation or exam-style format. EQuALS™ provides a vehicle to incorporate in-depth explanations. All too often, students trust answers at face value without “digging” deeper into WHY the answer/ solution is correct or the best. If a student guesses at a multiple-choice question, whether they guess correctly or incorrectly, the student may still not know why their guess was correct or incorrect. EQuALS™ provides the format and vehicle to provide understanding for each question!Since 2012, EQuALS™ has had more than 3,000 subscribers! For a 7-year period between 2012 -2019, PRPEARE’s flagship question group “Structural Systems Sample Questions”, boasts 340 question slides, with 1,719 subscribers. The subscribers generated 405,979 question slides accumulating 1,557,723 views!Though the Q&A content offerings through EQuALS™ were initially and primarily focused in the subjects of architecture and engineering, EQuALS™ was developed to deliver ANY educational Q&A Content in a professional and affordable manner.Original Project Summary from Software Development Agreement (2011):EQuALS™ is an online application that allows the user to learn new information and practice existing knowledge using test questions similar to complex flash cards. The website should be viewable and attractive in modern browsers running on mainstream computers as well as scrollable and browsable on the latest smartphones able to view non-mobile websites. The system will allow users to work through questions in one of three quiz modes: demo, practice, or test. Unlimited courses, quizzes, questions, and users will be allowed. Questions will have four types: multiple choice, multiple answer, numeric fill-in-the-blank, and essay. Questions will have unlimited text-only answers, unlimited text in the question, and up to exactly one picture or diagram in the question. The system will also feature a notes function, bookmarks, an on-screen calculator, and a reference area. The application will also allow for a flexible system of advertisements, associated with individual questions or courses. Analytics will allow administrators to view time spent with the advertisements on-screen, on various questions, and other information useful for administration & sales of advertisements.In a clarification to the original software development agreement, "... [EQuALS™] it will only be viewable and browsable on the latest phones insomuch as other desktop-oriented, non-mobile sites. That is to say it might require some panning and zooming, but the site will be perfectly usable and enjoyable in that format.Goals to Explore and Develop:The current version of the software provides necessary basic functionality but has number of deficiencies that threaten the prospective growth of EQuALS™. With the above in mind, PREPARE would like to engage a student group to develop a mobile application to integrate with and compliment the EQuALS™ software. We have discovered, to provide additional avenues of engagement to EQuALS™ learners, and to be [more] competitive as a niche Learning Management System, "gamification" should be integrated. "Gamification is adding game mechanics into nongame environments, like a website, online community, learning management system or business' intranet to increase participation. The goal of gamification is to engage with consumers, employees and partners to inspire collaborate, share and interact."In May 2021, two student teams from the University of Maryland (UMD) completed reports related to the development of EQuALS™ as a Mobile Application. The next step is for a team of [mobile] application developers to review these reports* and make the mobile application a reality!

Matches 1
Category Education + 4

EQuALS - Application (re)Development, Scaling, & Mobile Application

PREPARE / Exam Question + Answer Learning System - EQuALS™HISTORYPREPARE was founded in October 2002 on the premise of providing quality education to “prep” candidates for the Structural Systems component of the Architect Registration Exam (A.R.E.).Teaching professionals and students kept PREPARE on the cutting-edge of the latest trends; thus, keeping us current in the professional practice of architecture and engineering. We brought our experiences from professional practice back to the classroom! This cyclical process of knowledge and implementation is a big part of the success of PREPARE's educational and professional endeavors.​PREPARE's education endeavors were provided in live venues around the U.S., and in blended learning environments (live-online and self-paced videos) to adult learners all over the world.Fast-forward to 2012 - In 2012, PREPARE developed and released a proprietary software, EQuALS™! EQuALS™ was developed in response to our clients / learners wanting more study questions and detailed explanations of why the right answers are correct and the wrong answers are incorrect. PREPARE’s competitors in kindred subject matter did not provide convincing, and sometimes incorrect, answers. EQuALS™ provides a vehicle to incorporate in-depth explanations. All too often, students trust answers at face value without “digging” deeper into WHY the answer is correct or the best. If a student guesses at a multiple-choice question, whether they guess correctly or incorrectly, the student may still not know why their guess was correct or incorrect. EQuALS™ provides the format and vehicle to provide understanding for each question!2019 / 2020 - Since 2012, EQuALS™ has had more than 3,000 subscribers! For a 7-year period between 2012 -2019, PRPEARE’s flagship question group “Structural Systems Sample Questions”, boasts 340 question slides, with 1,719 subscribers. The subscribers generated 405,979 question slides accumulating 1,557,723 views!PROJECT SCOPE - Exam Question + Answer Learning System - EQuALS™​As we make EQuALS™ available to students, instructors, and organizations to deliver their specific content, we require an efficient, reliable, redundant, and affordable platform to host and deliver EQuALS™. The current version of the software provides necessary basic functionality but has number of deficiencies that threaten the prospective growth of the software user base, number of deployed organizations and amount of stored topics.​The EQuALS™ software from PREPARE, Inc. is a suite of tools for online preparation to examination using study guides designed for the system. EQuALS™ is a robust, fresh, professional way to deliver content! EQuALS™ allows content to be setup in a presentation or exam-style format (i.e. multiple choice, choose all that apply, true or false, numeric fill-in-the-blank, and a self-grading option of essay reveal). EQuALS™ provides a vehicle to incorporate in-depth explanations. Though the Q&A content offerings through EQuALS™ were initially and primarily focused on architecture and [structural] engineering topics, EQuALS™ was envisioned / developed to deliver ANY educational Q&A Content in a professional and affordable manner.​The goal is to re-engineer and update the Current EQuALS™ Software application.The overall project scope is quite extensive, it is written for multiple teams. If multiple Student Group Teams select this project, the goals and scope will be prioritized while still designing and developing The Project with continuity of the parts in mind. The project can be broken down into three parts:The first, Global [re]Development, a second, Development of EQuALS™ as a Mobile Application, and a third, Focused Module Development Tasks.Below is link and password where you will find additional information regarding the goals. Password: EQuALS2021

Matches 0
Category Information technology + 4

EQuALS™ - Mobile Application Development

Exam Question + Answer Learning System - EQuALS™- a robust, fresh, professional way to deliver content! EQuALS™ allows content to be setup in a presentation or exam-style format. EQuALS™ is a 4-Modules system; Module 1 allows the development of content, Module 2 allows a user to interact with and learn from the content, Module 3 allows for sponsorship with the content, and Module 4 provides analytics of content and performance.Main Goal for the Project: We would like to engage a student group to develop a mobile application to integrate with and compliment the EQuALS™ software. Specifically, Module 2 of the EQuALS™ Application would be developed as a mobile application and allow a user to 1) setup an account, 2) demo or subscribe [PayPal] to content from Module 1, 3) setup and deliver content to study and learn, 4) access a tool bar with a notes function, bookmarks, an on-screen calculator, and a reference area, 5) integrate sponsors and analytics from Modules 3 and 4 respectively.

Matches 1
Category Information technology + 4