Robin Newman
Robin Newman
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Robin is the CEO of Studio Jayne, a design studio to advance the rights of women and girls. She has over ten years of experience in qualitative research, interaction design, and product management. Prior to starting her company, she led user research at the New York Times and worked at Huge with clients such as the ACLU, UPS, Google, Kia, and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

In partnership with Victim Services, they built a digital game called Likely Story to prevent sex trafficking. It has earned a 2021 Webby Honoree Award for Best Social Impact Games and two Silver Anthem Awards in Human and Civil Rights. The game has shown promising results that teens take better control of their relationships by shaping their critical thinking, addressing intentions, and understanding consent all through game play.

Born in Toronto, Canada but comfortable living everywhere, Robin loves to travel and gets her best ideas while out in nature and connecting with others.

Data analysis Communications Digital marketing Product or service launch Fundraising


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Recent projects

Studio Jayne
Studio Jayne
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Data Storytelling and Analysis

We’d like students to help analyze our current game datasets to draw helpful insights, while also making recommendations for strategic ways data could further improve and measure our impact. From this analysis, we hope to not only improve our processes and understanding but also gain insights that will enhance our strategy. These insights will be directly related to business outcomes (to reach more teens and educators) but should help us better showcase our impact to Inform our secondary audience made up of non profits, government and corporate stakeholders on the impact of our game and its strategy. It should also align with our three (3) core goals for teens to 1) Increase risk-perceptions of predatory behaviors on and offline 2) Motivate peer-to-peer conversations about healthy and unhealthy scenarios and increase empathy 3) Guide teens to take action to prevention and intervention.

Matches 2
Category Data visualization + 3
Studio Jayne
Studio Jayne
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Research on Sex Trafficking Prevention Education I Likely Story The Game

We are seeking research to ensure Likely Story, a digital game aimed at educating teens on prevention of sex trafficking has the impact it intends. In collaboration with a non-profit organization Victim Services, we educate teens ages 13 -24 years. We must reach teens who are most at risk and all teens are our primary user. Our secondary audience is educators, parents and supporting organizations. Research will help to evaluate, but is not limited to, the following questions:What is the current impact of Likely Story on teens? : i.e What do teens learn from the game about healthy relationships and human trafficking that they didn’t know before? How does it shift their perception? Are youth in post-game conversations? How can the game be improved?How might the product be improved to better educate youth and support secondary stakeholders, like teachers? What is the impact of social media marketing? Difference in situations, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in various youth groups

Matches 0
Category UX design + 3
Studio Jayne
Studio Jayne
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Game Survey Design

We’d like students to help create meaningful survey to help us better measure our educational game impact. Survey design and analysis should also align with our three (3) core product goals for teens to 1) Increase risk-perceptions of predatory behaviors on and offline 2) Motivate peer-to-peer conversations about healthy and unhealthy scenarios and increase empathy 3) Guide teens to take action to prevention and intervention.

Matches 0
Category Data visualization + 1
Studio Jayne
Studio Jayne
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Likely Story Game : Educator Mode

The digital site will help onboard and train teachers and facilitators to use Likely Story game to educate teens. In collaboration with a non-profit organization Victim Services, we educate teens ages 13 -24 years on prevention of sex trafficking. We must reach teens who are most at risk and all teens are our primary user. Our secondary audience is educators, parents and supporting organizations. This site should target our secondary audience and game ambassadors. It should address short term needs for February 2023 game launch at the Victim Services youth symposium in Ontario (Capacity to reach over 12,000+ people.) and a longer term roll out strategy. This new educator site should help to answer:How might we onboard trainers to use Likely Story as a tool to talk about sex trafficking? How can Likely Story and other interactive material best support teachers to measure student outcomes? How can we best integrate their performance metrics and align with PPM 166?

Matches 0
Category Community engagement + 3